Monday, April 23, 2007

I [heart] corporations

You hear that alarm in the distance? Yeah, it’s the fairly useless post ahead warning.

I just wanted to say that I have my own personal Ralph Nader. I’m married to her. No she doesn’t have her own billions or a desire to become the next American president, but she is my own personal consumer advocate.

Yep, my wife sent an e-mail to Danesco when the Jamie Oliver flavour shaker™ she bought me for Christmas broke. They sent us a new one, no questions asked. It’s as close to a back-room mafia deal as I’ve ever had. Well, the first time I used the replacement, it broke so my wife sent yet another e-mail and the Jamie Oliver flavour shaker™ mark 3 is now at home and seems to have a better connection set up – there’s an actual “click” when it’s shut.

I just wanted to give you all a heads up since it was recently featured in the LCBO magazine Food & Drink. It’s actually a product I really like, and yes, smartass, I was using it properly. But seriously I was given replacements really quickly and an e-mail where they apologized for my “misfortune.” It seemed a bit melodramatic for a bit of broken plastic but hey, they really care about flavour.

So if you’re a kitchen gadget type of person, check this out. If you haven't clicked on the two links above, it's basically a herb crusher only you put all the stuff into the Russian doll looking impliment along with a ceramic ball, close it and shake the living bejeezus out of it and voila - tasty goodness. It’s really cool but ye gods make sure you have that thing properly shut before you start knocking it about.

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